
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Guess who's speaking at GHC this year?

This year I am planning to go to Grace Hopper Celebration conference. As I am writing this post, I have confirmed my attendance and registered for the conference as a speaker. Registration is now open and likely to sell out. I had been hoping to attend for many years, ever since I first heard of it at University of Michigan back in 2006, but every year there was either some other pressing priority, or no sponsorship offered to attend the conference. Well, guess what, my proposal has been accepted and I will be co-hosting a workshop session! I am hoping some of the readers of this blog will be able to attend my session called "A fine line - balancing motherhood and career". It will be quite useful for working moms, and especially women planning for motherhood and not knowing what changes to expect in the work front.

I had made another paper submission this year about the cutting edge topic of continuous deployment that tech industry is trending about and every company wants to adopt. My paper illustrated different approaches and what we use at Netflix. Well, that proposal did not pass, and the one about balancing career and motherhood did. I understand that is much more relevant to well almost all the attendees of the conference who are moms or are planning to become moms.

So, wait for me Texas in October 2015! Hope to see you at GHC 2015!

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